Site icon Chaleuria

2Ha Refunds

Dear readers,

We would first and foremost like to thank all of you who have donated to Chaleuria for the publication of 2Ha. The community outreach has been fantastic, and we are deeply appreciative and indebted to your support.

However, in light of recent events, we are coming forth with this statement as an official apology to all parties who have been affected by the incident. We are truly sorry for the damage and inconvenience caused to our partners and to you, our supporters.

As such, we are in the process of refunding all backers of this project. Please expect to see your contributions refunded to you within the next few days.

If you have yet to receive your refund, please contact

This has been an immense learning experience for us, and we have learned the hard way. We promise to be more transparent in the future regarding any and all projects that we put forth, and to deliver better quality to you.

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