Archives: Novels

Novels and their chapters

Chapter 084 – Video chat, ge.

Translator: Jury Editor: NomNom   The end-of-term exams, on the whole, were more difficult than those of previous years. The last few questions on the math paper, especially, were difficult to score points on, and there was basically no knowledge to pool together in the bad students’ gathering grounds. At first, the crib notes had […]

Chapter 083 – Just try taking off your jacket again next time we play basketball.

Translator: Jury Editor: NomNom   Winter was well underway. It didn’t snow often in A City, but the damp and chilly air still pierced through his clothes. Xie Yu put down his pen. He still wore the jacket He Zhao had passed to him over his shoulders. He smiled faintly and said, “That’s all you […]

Chapter 082 – What shall we bet

Translator: Jury Editor: NomNom   Xie Yu tossed the ball backward to He Zhao, then the two swapped positions. He Zhao dribbled the ball for a while, glimpsing the onlookers outside the court. The weather was hot and Luo Wenqiang only wore a sleeveless gym shirt, his arm muscles showing. He Zhao did a double […]

Chapter 051 – Firm

Translator: Leslie Quality Check: Lala Editor: Chesh   The energy he had saved to defeat Godzilla was depleted just like that. Lei Jue’s devastation at that could not possibly be greater. However, at that moment, he was probably the only person who would think of such a problem, because everyone was still rather bewildered by […]